SingularityDAO snapshot processing pipeline

This notebook it's meant to explore how the snapshots could be processed automatically.


In [1]:
# Partial calculations



# Reward parameters

# Due to floating point calculations, logarightms and divisions, a very small error rate it's very hard to avoid
# This variable sets the error tolerance for the calculations in SDAO
MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO = 0.000000001




In [2]:
# Decimals AGI/AGIX




# Decimals SDAO



# Adjust rewards to be full balance



1. Take snapshots

For the example pipeline, I'm going to use just a small number of snapshots taken manually, due to the fact that the main focus of this notebook is to create the processing pipeline, not to gather the snapshots.

The first step is to import all the libraries that we're going to use for the data processing and for gathering insights about the dataset with statistical analysis.

In [3]:
# Import libraries
# Pandas for tabular data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from os import walk
import sys
from pprint import pprint
from tqdm import tqdm
# from import tqdm  # for notebooks


Next step is reading the data directory to see how many snapshots we have for each token respectively (AGI and AGIX)

In [4]:
def get_snapshots(path):
    return next(walk(path), (None, None, []))[2]

agi_snapshots_files = get_snapshots('../data/holders/agi')
agix_snapshots_files = get_snapshots('../data/holders/agix')


Load snapshots for liquidity providers and stakers.

In this example, the snapshots are the same as the AGIX holders, with some accounts removed manually in the first snapshot, to focus on developing the calculations first, leaving getting the data from the database or CSV files for later on.

In [5]:
lp_snapshots_files = get_snapshots('../data/lp')

stakers_snapshots_files = get_snapshots('../data/stakers')

['13.csv', '14.csv', '15.csv']

Read the snapshots' contents using pandas and convert balances to unsinged long numbers (SDAO wei)

In [6]:
# Expects a CSV generated from Etherscan
def read_etherscan_csv(folder, file):
    # Read csv file
    data_frame = pd.read_csv('../data/%s/%s' % (folder, file))
    # Sort accounts by holding amount, larger holders at the top
    data_frame = data_frame.astype({'Balance': int })
    data_frame['Balance'] = data_frame['Balance'].apply(lambda x: int(x * CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_AGI))
    data_frame = data_frame.sort_values('Balance', ascending=False)
    return data_frame

# Expects a file with two columns, "address" and "balance". Balance it's in the smallest unit, Cogs (8 decimals)
def read_simple_csv(folder, file):
    # Read csv file
    data_frame = pd.read_csv('../data/%s/%s' % (folder, file))
    # Sort accounts by holding amount, larger holders at the top
    data_frame = data_frame.sort_values('balance', ascending=False)
    data_frame['balance'] = data_frame['balance'].apply(lambda x: int(x))
    return data_frame

agi_snapshots_raw = [read_etherscan_csv("holders", "agi/" + file) for file in agi_snapshots_files]
agix_snapshots_raw = [read_etherscan_csv("holders", "agix/" + file) for file in agix_snapshots_files]

lp_snapshots_raw = [read_etherscan_csv("lp", file) for file in lp_snapshots_files]
stakers_snapshots_raw = [read_simple_csv("stakers", file) for file in stakers_snapshots_files]

The snapshots are now loaded as a panda DataFrame.

Let's see the structure of a single snapshot and a single row, to get a better idea of the dataset.

In [7]:
Index(['HolderAddress', 'Balance', 'PendingBalanceUpdate'], dtype='object')
HolderAddress           0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8
Balance                                          14182336000000000
PendingBalanceUpdate                                            No
Name: 7738, dtype: object

Let's remove the PendingBalanceUpdate column and rename the other two, to clean the dataset and make it more practical.

In [8]:
def clear_snapshot(snapshot):
    cleaned_snapshot = snapshot.drop('PendingBalanceUpdate', axis="columns")
    cleaned_snapshot = cleaned_snapshot.rename(columns={"HolderAddress": "address", "Balance": "balance"})
    cleaned_snapshot = cleaned_snapshot.reset_index(drop=True)
    return cleaned_snapshot

agi_snapshots = [clear_snapshot(snapshot) for snapshot in agi_snapshots_raw]
agix_snapshots = [clear_snapshot(snapshot) for snapshot in agix_snapshots_raw]

lp_snapshots = [clear_snapshot(snapshot) for snapshot in lp_snapshots_raw]
stakers_snapshots = [snapshot.reset_index(drop=True) for snapshot in stakers_snapshots_raw]

# Address and balance from the account with the largest holding, one of the Binance wallets
Index(['address', 'balance'], dtype='object')
address    0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8
balance                             14182336000000000
Name: 0, dtype: object

2. Calculate eligibility

With the snapshot data ready, we can start to calculate the eligible addresses.

Portal Registration

At this point, the snapshots can be filtered by the set of addresses that have registered in the airdrop portal for a given month.

Initial snapshot

There's an initial snapshot that delimits how many addresses are eligible for the airdrop.

In my case it's the snapshot of the frozen AGI balances, but in the airdrop it would be the snapshot from 17th of April 2021, at 23:59 UTC+0.

Let's create a subset based on the addresses from the first snapshot that have more than 1.000 AGI.

In [9]:
print("AGI Snapshots: %s" % len(agi_snapshots))
print("AGIX Snapshots: %s" % len(agix_snapshots))
print("LP Snapshots: %s" % len(lp_snapshots))
print("Stakers Snapshots: %s" % len(stakers_snapshots))

# Get the first snapshot and use it as the starting point for the calculations
def get_initial(initial_snapshot, category):
    total_addresses = len(initial_snapshot.index)
    eligible_addresses_initial = initial_snapshot[initial_snapshot['balance'] >= AGI_THRESHOLD]
    print('Total Addresses (%s): %s' % (category, total_addresses))
    print('Eligible Addresses (%s): %s' % (category, len(eligible_addresses_initial.index)))
    return eligible_addresses_initial

eligible_addresses_holders = get_initial(agi_snapshots[0], 'holders')
eligible_addresses_lp = get_initial(lp_snapshots[0], 'LP')
eligible_addresses_stakers = get_initial(stakers_snapshots[0], 'stakers')
# Print address with smaller eligible balance
AGI Snapshots: 1
AGIX Snapshots: 3
LP Snapshots: 3
Stakers Snapshots: 3

Total Addresses (holders): 25247
Eligible Addresses (holders): 16368

Total Addresses (LP): 189
Eligible Addresses (LP): 111

Total Addresses (stakers): 925
Eligible Addresses (stakers): 869

address balance
0 0xccBcC956adee7896BC6c5aa87a6d09383edAcd55 1709362168430811
1 0xA842B1bd65c1F70cb5d4d3FC9937884b41BF8FB5 322650700000000
2 0x4DfA40d7a1cCb588985Cf077e6022D33DF8A6d4F 189065197065379
3 0x5cE9e731311a6b9A9BF26efB5Ff425750FEAcC13 143944037115000
4 0x672E1AcF64DE8836341ba7c2d7d0007ed854037F 119750163772906
... ... ...
920 0x87aba2141AA7f625e71c548295e4DBcBBCf0aA14 0
921 0xEcf76E6901832b280502Aa051b60536d0368Dd39 0
922 0xa15837cbd4c9C401C786b0Bde837DCf259AFf472 0
923 0x6C09FAf507dae86EcA2e88a36fA50EC8bdA9175e 0
924 0x91d95dAb36e4c71B13394153C98087279dAD9F3f 0

925 rows × 2 columns

address    0x4c4ca064972ff8ff64568319c92367c159c52238
balance                                  100000000000
Name: 16367, dtype: object

We can see that from the initial ~26k addresses, only 16689 pass the threshold to be eligible.

Now, it's a matter of iterating through the remaining snapshots using this initial set of accounts, and checking if the accounts are still eligible, removing the ones that are below the threshold.

Iterate through the snapshots

First, let's merge all snapshots (AGI and AGIX) into a single array and discard the first one, as that one it's already processed.

In [10]:
# Merge snapshots
holders_snapshots = agi_snapshots + agix_snapshots

Now, we iterate over the snapshots, filtering the initial set of eligible accounts.

In [11]:
def filter_addresses(initial_df, snapshot_df):
    # Calculate intersection of eligible addresses between existing set and snapshot set
    initial_set = set(initial_df['address'])
    snapshot_set = set(snapshot_df['address'])
    addresses_intersection = list(initial_set.intersection(snapshot_set))
    # Filter addresses based on whether they're contained on the intersection set or not
    filtered_df = initial_df[initial_df.apply(lambda x: x['address'] in addresses_intersection, axis=1)].copy()
    def filter_lowest_balance(x):
        return np.amin([x['balance'], snapshot_df.loc[snapshot_df['address'] == x['address']].iloc[0]['balance']])
    # Set balance amount to the lowest of the two values (initial value and snapshot value),
    # to only take into account the lower balance
    filtered_df['balance'] = filtered_df.copy().progress_apply(filter_lowest_balance, axis=1)
    return filtered_df

def get_eligible(initial_df, snapshots, category):
    print('Initial Eligible Addresses (%s): %s' % (category, len(initial_df.index)))

    eligible_df = initial_df

    for index, snapshot in enumerate(snapshots):
        print('Snapshot #%s' % index)
        snapshot_eligible = snapshot[snapshot['balance'] >= AGI_THRESHOLD]
        print('Eligible Addresses from snapshot: %s addresses' % len(snapshot_eligible.index))
        eligible_df = filter_addresses(eligible_df, snapshot_eligible)
        print('Eligible Addresses: %s' % len(eligible_df.index))

    print('Total Eligible Addresses (%s): %s' % (category, len(eligible_df.index)))
    return eligible_df
    eligible_addresses_holders = get_eligible(eligible_addresses_holders, holders_snapshots, 'holders')
    eligible_addresses_lp = get_eligible(eligible_addresses_lp, lp_snapshots, 'LP')
    eligible_addresses_stakers = get_eligible(eligible_addresses_stakers, stakers_snapshots, 'stakers')
Initial Eligible Addresses (stakers): 869

Snapshot #0
Eligible Addresses from snapshot: 869 addresses
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 869/869 [00:00<00:00, 1970.60it/s]
Eligible Addresses: 869

Snapshot #1
Eligible Addresses from snapshot: 1099 addresses
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 868/868 [00:00<00:00, 1891.07it/s]
Eligible Addresses: 868

Snapshot #2
Eligible Addresses from snapshot: 1365 addresses
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 850/850 [00:00<00:00, 1845.68it/s]
Eligible Addresses: 850

Total Eligible Addresses (stakers): 850

3. Calculating airdrop rewards

Merge address lists

A single address could have multiple rewards. To account for this, we'll merge all the eligible addresses into a single list, removing duplicates, and add an extra column for each kind of reward.

That way, we'll be able to show all the reward types in the airdrop portal.

In [12]:
datasets_dict = {
    "holder": eligible_addresses_holders,
    "lp": eligible_addresses_lp,
    "staker": eligible_addresses_stakers

# Merge all eligible addresses

addresses_df = pd.concat(list(datasets_dict.values())).drop_duplicates('address').drop('balance', axis=1)
addresses_df = addresses_df.reset_index(drop=True)

print('Total addresses participating in the airdrop: %s' % len(addresses_df.index))

# Append rewards to the provided column, matching addresses between both sets
def append_column_by_address(addresses_df, rewards_df, column, new_column_name=None):
    def get_row_value_by_address(address):
        matching_rows = rewards_df.loc[rewards_df['address'] == address]
        total_matching_rows = len(matching_rows)
        if total_matching_rows == 1:
            return matching_rows.iloc[0][column]
        elif total_matching_rows == 0:
            return 0
            raise Exception('Error appending column to final file', 'addresses are duplicated')
    result_df = addresses_df.copy()
    if new_column_name is None:
        new_column_name = column
    print('Appending "%s" column to final file' % new_column_name)
    result_df.insert(len(result_df.columns), new_column_name, addresses_df.progress_apply(lambda x: get_row_value_by_address(x['address']), axis=1).astype(np.longdouble))
    return result_df
Total addresses participating in the airdrop: 17224


There are two kinds of rewards for stakers:

  • Per user (divided equally among staking wallets)
  • Per stake amount (delivered proportionally to the amounts staked)
In [13]:
print('Total Eligible Stakers: %s' % len(eligible_addresses_stakers.index))

rewards_stakers_df = eligible_addresses_stakers.copy()

# Rewards per user

half_staking_reward = TOTAL_STAKING_REWARD / 2

reward_per_user = half_staking_reward / len(eligible_addresses_stakers)

adjusted_reward_per_user = reward_per_user / CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_SDAO

print('Staking reward per user: %s' % adjusted_reward_per_user)

rewards_stakers_df.insert(len(rewards_stakers_df.columns), 'staker_reward_per_user', adjusted_reward_per_user)

# Rewards per stake

total_stake = eligible_addresses_stakers['balance'].sum()

rewards_stakers_df['staker_reward_per_stake'] = rewards_stakers_df.apply(lambda x: half_staking_reward * np.double(x['balance']) / np.double(total_stake), axis=1)

rewards_stakers_df['staker_reward_per_stake'] /= CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_SDAO


adjusted_half_staker_reward = (half_staking_reward / CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_SDAO)

calculated_staker_reward_per_user = np.sum(list(rewards_stakers_df['staker_reward_per_user']))

calculated_staker_reward_per_stake = np.sum(list(rewards_stakers_df['staker_reward_per_stake']))

print('Allocated reward (stakers, per user): %s' % adjusted_half_staker_reward)
print('Calculated reward (stakers, per user): %s' % calculated_staker_reward_per_user)
print('Allocated reward (stakers, per stake): %s' % adjusted_half_staker_reward)
print('Calculated reward (stakers, per stake): %s' % calculated_staker_reward_per_stake)
print('Allocated reward (stakers, total): %s' % (TOTAL_STAKING_REWARD / CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_SDAO))
print('Calculated reward (stakers, total): %s' % (calculated_staker_reward_per_user + calculated_staker_reward_per_stake))

per_user_error = abs(calculated_staker_reward_per_user - adjusted_half_staker_reward) > MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO

per_stake_error = abs(calculated_staker_reward_per_stake - adjusted_half_staker_reward) > MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO

total_error = abs((calculated_staker_reward_per_user + calculated_staker_reward_per_stake) - (adjusted_half_staker_reward * 2)) > MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO

if per_user_error or per_stake_error or total_error:
    raise Exception('Error calculating rewards (stakers)', 'final reward sum does not match allocated reward')
Total Eligible Stakers: 850
Staking reward per user: 323.5294117647059
address balance staker_reward_per_user staker_reward_per_stake
0 0xccBcC956adee7896BC6c5aa87a6d09383edAcd55 1709362168430811 323.529412 53242.640315
1 0xA842B1bd65c1F70cb5d4d3FC9937884b41BF8FB5 322650700000000 323.529412 10049.815940
2 0x4DfA40d7a1cCb588985Cf077e6022D33DF8A6d4F 189065197065379 323.529412 5888.939436
3 0x5cE9e731311a6b9A9BF26efB5Ff425750FEAcC13 143944037115000 323.529412 4483.520658
4 0x672E1AcF64DE8836341ba7c2d7d0007ed854037F 119750163772906 323.529412 3729.937994
... ... ... ... ...
864 0x6b99e90eaAE277d9b3Fe510A8C05225BD48d278c 100300000000 323.529412 3.124111
865 0xAc77ABfe5986DB857FeC62a7B689F6681F6F50B9 100050000000 323.529412 3.116324
866 0x3d95D4A6DbaE0Cd0643a82b13A13b08921D6ADf7 100000000000 323.529412 3.114767
867 0x09CE76119D3c8c9577B2d357D92e9390B7a62082 100000000000 323.529412 3.114767
868 0xc372A93d067480808F267f173D0fa30F8fa32A18 100000000000 323.529412 3.114767

850 rows × 4 columns

Allocated reward (stakers, per user): 275000.0
Calculated reward (stakers, per user): 275000.0

Allocated reward (stakers, per stake): 275000.0
Calculated reward (stakers, per stake): 274999.99999999994

Allocated reward (stakers, total): 550000.0
Calculated reward (stakers, total): 550000.0

Add the calculated rewards to final data frame
In [14]:
rewards_stakers_df['balance'] /= CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_AGI

    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, rewards_stakers_df, 'staker_reward_per_user')
    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, rewards_stakers_df, 'staker_reward_per_stake')
    addresses_df['staker_reward'] = addresses_df['staker_reward_per_user'] + addresses_df['staker_reward_per_stake']
    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, rewards_stakers_df, 'balance', 'used_staker_balance')

Appending "staker_reward_per_user" column to final file
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 17224/17224 [00:06<00:00, 2645.42it/s]

Appending "staker_reward_per_stake" column to final file
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 17224/17224 [00:06<00:00, 2659.28it/s]

Appending "used_staker_balance" column to final file
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 17224/17224 [00:06<00:00, 2679.04it/s]

address staker_reward_per_user staker_reward_per_stake staker_reward used_staker_balance
0 0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
1 0xf977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
2 0x3c9d954a5e9fff8a3b9495094adee9b5c2233e5c 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
3 0x3b1355599a89a554ffa37fa9ed508f208a271aa9 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
4 0xa1d8d972560c2f8144af871db508f0b0b10a3fbf 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
17219 0x6b99e90eaAE277d9b3Fe510A8C05225BD48d278c 323.529412 3.124111 326.653523 1003.0
17220 0xAc77ABfe5986DB857FeC62a7B689F6681F6F50B9 323.529412 3.116324 326.645736 1000.5
17221 0x3d95D4A6DbaE0Cd0643a82b13A13b08921D6ADf7 323.529412 3.114767 326.644178 1000.0
17222 0x09CE76119D3c8c9577B2d357D92e9390B7a62082 323.529412 3.114767 326.644178 1000.0
17223 0xc372A93d067480808F267f173D0fa30F8fa32A18 323.529412 3.114767 326.644178 1000.0

17224 rows × 5 columns

Holders and LP

Knowing the eligibility of the addresses, we can calculate the rewards for each user using the following formula.

Reward = total_reward * log10(1+user_balance) / SUM(log10(1+user_balance))

In [15]:
# Define SUM(log10(1+user_balance)) as a constant variable

holder_balances = list(eligible_addresses_holders['balance'])

lp_balances = list(eligible_addresses_lp['balance'])

balances_log10 = [np.log10(1 + (balance)) for balance in (holder_balances + lp_balances)]

sum_balances_log10 = np.sum(balances_log10)

# Define the function that calculates the reward for each user

def calculate_reward(total_reward, user_balance_index):
    user_balance_log10 = balances_log10[user_balance_index]
    # Calculate reward and convert to final balance
    return (total_reward * user_balance_log10 / sum_balances_log10) / CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_SDAO

# Calculate rewards and add the SDAO value as a column to the DateFrame

holder_rewards = [calculate_reward(TOTAL_REWARD, index) for index, balance in enumerate(holder_balances)]

lp_rewards = [calculate_reward(TOTAL_REWARD, len(holder_balances) + index) for index, balance in enumerate(lp_balances)]

holder_rewards_df = eligible_addresses_holders.copy()

lp_rewards_df = eligible_addresses_lp.copy()

holder_rewards_df.insert(0, 'reward', holder_rewards)

holder_rewards_df['balance'] /= CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_AGI

lp_rewards_df.insert(0, 'reward', lp_rewards)

lp_rewards_df['balance'] /= CONVERT_TO_FULL_BALANCE_AGI
Verify rewards
In [16]:
# Verify that the total amount of allocated reward matches the expected value

calculated_reward = np.sum(list(holder_rewards_df['reward'])) + np.sum(list(lp_rewards_df['reward']))


print('Allocated reward (holders and LP): %s' % adjusted_total_reward)
print('Calculated reward (holders and LP): %s' % calculated_reward)

if abs(calculated_reward - adjusted_total_reward) > MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO:
    raise Exception('Error calculating rewards', 'final reward sum does not match allocated reward')
Allocated reward (holders and LP): 825000.0
Calculated reward (holders and LP): 824999.9999999999
Add the calculated rewards to final data frame
In [17]:
# Add rewards to final data frame

    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, holder_rewards_df, 'reward', 'holder_reward')
    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, holder_rewards_df, 'balance', 'used_holder_balance')
    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, lp_rewards_df, 'reward', 'lp_reward')
    addresses_df = append_column_by_address(addresses_df, lp_rewards_df, 'balance', 'used_lp_balance')

addresses_df['total_reward'] = 0

    addresses_df['total_reward'] = addresses_df['holder_reward'] + addresses_df['lp_reward']

    addresses_df['total_reward'] += addresses_df['staker_reward_per_user'] + addresses_df['staker_reward_per_stake']

total_calculated_reward = (addresses_df['total_reward']).sum()

expected_reward = 0
    expected_reward = TOTAL_REWARD

    expected_reward += TOTAL_STAKING_REWARD


if abs(total_calculated_reward - float(expected_reward)) > MAXIMUM_ERROR_SDAO:
    print('Total rounding error: %s SDAO' % '{:.18f}'.format(abs(total_calculated_reward - float(expected_reward))))
    raise Exception('Error calculating rewards', 'final reward sum does not match allocated reward')

# Sort addresses by total reward (descending) and recalculate indexes

addresses_df = addresses_df.sort_values('total_reward', ascending=False)
addresses_df = addresses_df.reset_index(drop=True)

print('Allocated reward (stakers, holders and LP): %s' % expected_reward)
print('Calculated reward (stakers, holders and LP): %s' % total_calculated_reward)

print('Final rewards')

Allocated reward (stakers, holders and LP): 550000.0
Calculated reward (stakers, holders and LP): 550000.0

Final rewards
address staker_reward_per_user staker_reward_per_stake staker_reward used_staker_balance total_reward
0 0xccBcC956adee7896BC6c5aa87a6d09383edAcd55 323.529412 53242.640315 53566.169727 1.709362e+07 53566.169727
1 0xA842B1bd65c1F70cb5d4d3FC9937884b41BF8FB5 323.529412 10049.815940 10373.345352 3.226507e+06 10373.345352
2 0x4DfA40d7a1cCb588985Cf077e6022D33DF8A6d4F 323.529412 5888.939436 6212.468847 1.890652e+06 6212.468847
3 0x5cE9e731311a6b9A9BF26efB5Ff425750FEAcC13 323.529412 4483.520658 4807.050069 1.439440e+06 4807.050069
4 0x672E1AcF64DE8836341ba7c2d7d0007ed854037F 323.529412 3729.937994 4053.467406 1.197502e+06 4053.467406
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17219 0x246da00512a6d7e1bd390368744f625ad99d49bf 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000
17220 0x89b2c02b389323abd16264b20886e5e9fd01360e 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000
17221 0x85f02d85e915aac36700d81b8a22c37dd63d68f4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000
17222 0x0eeb67114a2e73d0056809756afaf19b26b6f24a 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000
17223 0xe28bc5346cb8e7ee8a3b23e1170d50c9a4c7d154 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000

17224 rows × 6 columns

Adding unclaimed balances

The missing step would be to sum all the unclaimed amounts from previous airdrops, for this example that's not possible with the data at hand though.